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Have you had enough?
Imagine carrying less pain, guilt and regret, to experience more joy, love and freedom. Together we will make it happen.

I can help you plot a much happier and fulfilling course in life because I struggled with many negative patterns and habits myself, until I got help and realised the problem was so much bigger than I imagined, it then became apparent that much of it actually wasn't my fault.  However, I am responsible for making a positive difference and I now help others learn what I did to change for the better.  I'm not completely out of the woods, it's an ongoing process - life is about progress, not perfection.

Michael Dowling-Fleet, Certified Self-sabotage Coach

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One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again. 
Abraham Maslow

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"Stop the ride - I wanna get off!"

My clients used to feel like unwilling passengers chained to their seat on a runaway train about to derail.  Is this you as well?
Maybe you find yourself constantly prioritising others with your hardwired sense of duty to protect, provide and serve.  Admirable character traits indeed, but do they protect, provide and serve you?
Imagine waking up from a beautiful dream that you never want to forget, but less than an hour later on your way to work it's already gone from your mind.  My clients often felt like all their plans and energy to fuflil their dreams and hopes for the future were washed away by the tide of the present. Not anymore!
My clients have all successfully developed their own "kingdom and castle" within themselves, where they are true leaders of their life energy, plans and dreams, protected from invading negative influences.

Prisoner in your own mind?
At least you know you are - most people don't, so they will never escape

Michael Dowling-Fleet

Red-pilled Self Sabotage Coach

Firstly, I commend you for seeking for help.  WE ALL NEED HELP - I still and will always seek help from others.  Even doctors have doctors. 


Secondly, I just want to say that you are not f*cked; rather, you are equipped with an old mental programming that needs upgrading to better navigate the challenges of our present reality.


Thirdly, I was a disaster and NOT my master until I started getting help.  My daily consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine and bad food was inversely seen as my personal reward for enduring the ritual of a current life that I didn't want while I kept missing the turn off for the road to a life I really wanted. Quitting my heavy use of caffeine, nicotine and alcohol and changing my mental and physical diet transformed the physiological use of my brain, unlocking access to incredible life changing results.  Whether it's managing my finances, rekindling the passion in my marriage, rebalancing personal and professional relationships, attracting commercial opportunities or simply getting myself physically healthy and strong. 


As a certified protege of Jason Christoff, my mentor and world renowned thought leader and self sabotage coach, I help people reprogram their conditioned minds to overcome their self limiting, self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviours, empowering them to lead their best lives - healthy, abundant and successful.


I offer a transformative relationship where we work together to break the chains of the limiting cycles that hold you back.  The process typically takes just 2 sessions, and the results for past clients speak for themselves.

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The self-sabotage coaching program:


We will undergo a thorough examination of your life and habits to date (no holds barred)


Identify which self-sabotage subsets applies to you


Examine how the negative programming of your beliefs and behaviours took seat in your mind


Fire your internal govern-ment(al) and seat you back on the throne as King/Queen of your mind


Build a fortress in your mind to defend against any future invasion of negative thoughtforms

Ellen's Amazing Journey to Self-love 

"Michael has allowed me to open the portal to my conscious mind teaching me the elements to live within a reality that is no longer overwhelming and suffocated by fear, addiction, and anxiety. Through his teachings, I've developed my faith, my confidence and my abundance. Michael has taught me how and why I am limiting achieving my desires through my own thoughts. I have learnt that the core beliefs and behaviours I have accumulated from past trauma have led me to self-sabotage my health, wealth, and happiness. Through my sessions I have been equipped with knowledge and self-belief to eliminate and quieten down my ego that has kept me in the traumatic state of survival for far too long. For the first time I have felt peace, a still mind and have been taught how to truly love myself and how to achieve the abundance in all aspects of my life that I now feel I am deserving of. Without Michael’s devotion to our sessions together, I would never have been able to cross the path from a suicidal mindset to a new healthy lifestyle and dedication to my reach my vision. I have been given freedom."

Ellen P


Craig Shares His Client Experience

I'll be your coach for life (even though you'll be so 'self-actualised' you probably won't need me) Craig is one such valued client, he's a successful fitness instructor and former full contact competitive martial artist.  A self-made man, he knows very well that what we all want is the other side of fear and he's the kind of guy you want on your team in a crisis. Every master once was a disaster (myself included - believe me!) and what Craig sought was progress toward perfection, which is a classic mistake many of us tend to make.  He'd done most of the hard work already, but he knew something was missing and he asked me to help him summit the obstacles he faced.  He is now thriving in every aspect of his life and helping even more people than he did before we worked together.  Craig continues to inspire me with his authenticity and good heart.

Zoe N

“I was at a crossroads in my life, struggling with patterns of behaviour that kept holding me back. I was hopeful, but also very skeptical, not sure if coaching could truly help me overcome my self-imposed barriers. However, Michael's approach was a game-changer and I'm never going back to who I was."

The ME I see is the ME I'll be

Change within 
change without

We all have moments of self-sabotage, engaging in behaviours that, while familiar, can be detrimental to our wellbeing. This can manifest as negative self-talk, people-pleasing, unhealthy eating, addictions, or staying in a job that drains our spirit.


These self-sabotaging patterns are often rooted in our subconscious mind, whose primary function is to keep us safe. The subconscious mind is influenced by our environment and exposure to various messages, many of which can be negative and harmful to our health and happiness.


The good news is that we have the power to reprogram our minds. By utilising the same techniques that have been used to influence us negatively, we can override the system and create lasting, positive changes in our lives.


Embracing the fact that we have control over our minds and bodies is an empowering stance against a system that may seem like it wants to keep us unhealthy, ignorant, and weak. By taking control, we can rewrite our stories and truly thrive.

subconscious programming
Self-limiting beliefs therapy


Appreciate and respect your health as being your number one priority.  Health is the founding pillar on which all other thoughts and actions are built.  Rediscovering your mental agility, physicality and natural immunity enables you to go further than ever before.

Striving for success


Liberate yourself from the patterns that restrict your growth. Remember, you are not flawed; rather, you require an upgrade from the obsolete mental programming that is no longer beneficial to you.

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